Ruby5 Roundup - Episode 419

This week Matthew Conway and I bring you the latest news in the Ruby and Rails communities in another fantastic episode of the Ruby5 podcast. Here is a quick roundup of what's new this week.
Ever truncated a table in the wrong environment? Ever added a user to the wrong application through the console? Install the marco-polo gem in your apps and never wonder again! It puts the app name and environment in your console line so you'll never have to wonder again.
Honey, I shrunk the internet!
The fine folks at Thoughtbot wrote up a very informative blog post about deflating server responses. Chock-full of comparisons and detailed data, they cover all the pros and cons of adding Rack::Deflater to your app. A great read for people at all skill levels with Rails.
Thoughtbot released a new gem called Bitters to get your started faster with your sass stylesheets. It works great with Bourbon and Neat to give you a solid foundation to work with.
Heroku Postgres 2.0
Heroku launched the next evolution in their Postgres as a service offering. It comes with some cool new features and new pricing structures. Check out their blog for all the details.
Heroku Open-Sources Auth
Ever wondered how exactly Heroku's authentication system works? Well now it's open source! This is your change to find some security exploits in a popular system and please, for all our sakes, professionally and discreetly report them.
MotionInMotion Screencasts
Everyone's favorite iOS development platform is getting its own line of screencasts! The MotionInMotion screencasts are going to launch soon and they released the first one for free on the RubyMotion blog. Check it out and sign up for the mailing list for a lifetime discount.
So that's it for this episode of Ruby5. If you haven't already, subscribe to the podcast and keep yourself up to date. Thanks for listening!