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You can build SOAP requests with HAML

Profile picture of Micah Cooper

HAML can produce markup that looks terse, simple, and pleasant. SOAP requires markup can that look verbose, complex and unpleasant. If you combine the two and add just a touch of sugar, you can give your application some medicine that goes down quite smoothly. Let's explore.

If I'm making a soap request I usually have this markup from the documentation of the api.

Take that markup and save it as a fixture so you can test against it later.


<soapenv xmlns="foo">
      <username value="bar"/>
      rem ipsum dolor sit amet

So that's the xml. Let's see the HAML representation of the same thing:

!!! XML
      %password= password 
    %foo:content rem ipsum dolor sit amet

Cleaner? Yeah? I think so too!

Be sure to test that your HAML returns your xml in the proper format.

Note about testing: HAML orders your attributes alphabetically so it's hard to do a direct == comparison on the two docs. One suggestion is to use Nokogiri in your tests.

Now let's actually use this all as we would in a class that calls the service:

require 'faraday'
require 'haml'

class SoapService

  def response
    Faraday.post(<url>, request_body)

  def request_body #returns the xml document for the body of the request
    #pass #self to haml_engine.render 
    #so your HAML can call all the methods 
    #in this SoapService class. (very convenient!).

  def haml_engine
    Haml::Engine.new(request_file, { attr_wrapper: '"', format: :xhtml })

  def request_file #called in request body

  def password #this method is called in the HAML document


Now use this class like so:


This will return:

<soapenv xmlns="foo">
      <username value="bar"/>
      rem ipsum dolor sit amet

And that's it. I have found this to be a most pleasant way to build soap requests with ruby.

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