Writing the story of an application

I work on story cards for a lot of projects each year at Hashrocket and also see a lot of backlogs maintained by clients and open source projects. A notable difference that I find between healthy projects and unhealthy projects is the way in which stories are written. I am purposefully leaving out any discussion about managing and grouping stories at a feature set level but will cover that in a future post.
Below is a break down of stories for an example book store that sells pdf's the way I would story card buying a book and the two alternative ways that I see this get broken out the wrong way. Keep in mind that for different projects and project teams story composition will vary to a degree and this is not meant to be a set in stone prescription.
The Good (Interaction Driven Stories)
Shopper views book list
Given a shopper
When I click library
Then I am taken to the books list page
And I see a list of books
And for each book I see
- title
- author
- isbn number
- price
Shopper views book show page
Given a shopper on the book list page
When I click a book
Then I am taken to the book show page
And I see
- book cover image (104 x 138 pixels)
- author name
- isbn number
- price
- description
Shopper purchases a book
Given a shopper on the book show page
When I click buy book
Then I am taken to the check out page
When I fill in my credit card number
And I fill in my security code number
And I click check out
Then my payment is processed
And I am taken to the payment confirmation page
Shopper views payment confirmation
Given a shopper that has purchased a book
And is on the payment confirmation page
Then I see a message that I successfully purchased the book
And I see the book
- title
- book cover image (74 x 98 pixels)
- price
Shopper downloads a purchased book
Given a shopper on the payment confirmation page
When I click on the book title
Then a pdf of the book is downloaded to my computer
The Bad
Users can view a list of books
- title
- author
- isbn
User can view the show page for a book
- cover image (104 x 138 pixels)
- title
- author
- isbn
- description
Users can buy a book
- credit card number
- security code
User views receipt page
- book information, title, price
- book cover image (74 x 98 pixels)
Users can buy a book they downloaded
- pdf
The Ugly
Users can buy books
- list page
- show page (generate cover images)
- users check out (set up payment processing)
-- card and security code
- users can down load a book (set up pdf generation)
In developing software, especially software for someone else stories are more than just a placeholder for conversation. At the point in time when you build the thing they describe they become a social contract to deliver some piece of value. With that in mind it behooves you to be specific in what exactly you are going to deliver. Provide your client with a clear and meaningful set of steps that they can walk through and accept that you provided that value once it is built. This will go a long way towards preventing communication issues and keep you moving forward delivering value to your client rather than resolving communication and perception issues.
Some Basic Guidelines
- Each story should describe a single clear interaction and its outcome. Conditional "if" statements or an over abundance of "and" or "when/then" combinations is a smell.
- Use your client's business language to describe the actors in your stories and avoid ambiguous terms like "users" and "admins" when possible.
- Your story should provide clear steps that your client can walk through to verify you built the feature they asked for.
- Title and compose your stories with clear, affirmative statements. "Can" is noise in stories.
- Your story should describe where you are and where you end up. This will go a long way to preventing bugs related to user's paths through the application.
- Implementation doesn't belong in your stories. The exception is sometimes stories around things like API's but I will tackle that in another post.
- There is an implicit acceptance item in every story that the feature delivered matches the design your client previously approved. This also helps you not muddy up your stories trying to describe design elements.