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React Javascript

Writing Prettier JavaScript in Vim

Profile picture of Josh Branchaud

JavaScript is an incredibly powerful and fickle language. In the face of quickly evolving frameworks and tooling, it can be cognitively challenging to grapple even with a familiar codebase. Even just having one less thing to think about goes a long way in helping us deal with the rest. Figuring out how to format each line of code is accidental complexity and one less thing we ought to think about.

As Brian Dunn put it, "Once you stop formatting your code, life becomes beautiful." And so does your code, but without any of the effort.

This is where Prettier comes in.

Using Prettier in Vim

At Hashrocket, Vim is an essential part of our development tooling. neoformat makes it easy to incorporate prettier into our existing workflow. As you can see in the above gif, Prettier formats the file on save.

Here is how we set it up.

Step 1

Install prettier if you haven't already.

$ yarn global add prettier

(or npm install -g prettier if you prefer)

Step 2

Install the neoformat vim plugin.

" ~/.vimrc
Plug 'sbdchd/neoformat'

This plugin is a general-purpose formatter that can be configured to work across many filetypes. You can check out the repository README for the full list of supported filetypes.

Step 3

Next we need to configure Neoformat to use Vim's formatprg as its formatter.

let g:neoformat_try_formatprg = 1

This way in the following step we can specify some options for prettier.

Step 4

We want neoformat to be configured specifically to format our JavaScript files with prettier using a few configuration flags of our choosing. We can set up an autogroup in our ~/.vimrc file for that.

" ~/.vimrc
augroup NeoformatAutoFormat
    autocmd FileType javascript setlocal formatprg=prettier\
                                             \--print-width\ 80\
                                             \--trailing-comma\ es5
    autocmd BufWritePre *.js Neoformat
augroup END

The FileType line sets prettier as the format program whenever a javascript file is encountered. formatprg will provide the file contents to prettier via stdin, so the --stdin flag tells prettier to expect as much. The --print-width flag tells prettier to keep lines under 80 characters. And so on. The rest of the details are in the Options section of the Prettier README.

Step 5

We work on a lot of React.js projects, so having support for JSX is essential. The time it takes to reformat long lines of JSX means that we can feel the time savings quite acutely when prettier does the formatting for us.

To accommodate React, we can update our existing autogroup by adding support for the jsx filetype. This requires that you already have the vim-jsx plugin installed.

" ~/.vimrc
augroup NeoformatAutoFormat
    autocmd FileType javascript,javascript.jsx setlocal formatprg=prettier\
                                                            \--print-width\ 80\
                                                            \--trailing-comma\ es5
    autocmd BufWritePre *.js,*.jsx Neoformat
augroup END

All Set

Give this setup a try and enjoy some consistent, well-formatted code. Forget about the formatting and focus on the function.

Shoutout to Dorian Karter for introducing me to Prettier in Vim.

Cover photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

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