Trip Report: Magic Ruby 2011
On February 4th, 2011 I got to go hang out with my fellow Rubyists at Magic Ruby Conf in Orlando, FL! It was fun getting to see lots of familiar faces and to hear what other peeps are working on.
Former Rocketeer, Les Hill's talk on 'Cuking it right' was a great summary of the integration testing we've been doing here at Hashrocket. Chad Fowler's keynote was, as always, insightful and thought-provoking! Avdi Grimm's Exceptional Ruby talk was a journey through Ruby's exception mechanism, exploring many ways of taming this beast.
The conference was held at Disney's Contemporary Resort in Orlando, FL -- we were able to get an awesome group rate for the resort hotel, which also provided quick access to the parks. It's definitely worth the trip for any level of Rubyist and their family!
Make sure to check out: