Your Code Should Tell a Story

Last week Sandi Metz paid a visit to Hashrocket to share her knowledge and perspective on a variety of topics around life, learning and a little design too. As a proponent of Object Oriented Design, Sandi has led the movement to embrace sound practices in "good" code design within the Ruby community.
In dynamic languages such as Ruby it is easy to get lost in a sea of code, especially for novice developers. However, when a developer is armed with an understanding of OOD they are free to explore the applications that they create. Objects become just that, objects. They are decoupled, behavior is abstracted and the messages emerge as the relevant focal point of testing. You are free to make a “mess”! Regardless of your level of expertise, Sandi does a phenomenal job of explaining OOD and summarizes code expectations with a simple statement: "Your code should tell a story".
Everyone at Hashrocket thoroughly enjoyed Sandi Metz's visit and look forward to many more. Be sure to check out her new book Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby due out in September and keep a lookout for the Sandi Metz lunch & learn series coming soon!