Ruby5 Roundup - Episode 485
The soothing yet informative voices of Lynn and I are back again to bring you the latest news in the Ruby and Rails communities. Here is a quick roundup of what's new in this episode of the Ruby5 podcast.
Capistrano Tutorial
Kevin Wang from Tealeaf Academy sets the bar high yet again with another feature-filled blog post on capistrano. If you are new to using it for deployments or are wondering how any why it does some of the things it does, this step-by-step tutorial will certainly give you a good education.
Memoization Patterns
This blog post from Justin Weiss talks about the different ways of memoizing method return values. If you're making the same call twice, take a look at this article and learn how to cache those responses!
Rocketeer Micah Cooper just released a new service that lets you collaborate with your team on API contracts. You can work together on the URLs and request/response bodies to build the most beautiful services imaginable. Check it out!
A new layer on top of the always fantastic middleman gem lets you easily build HTML-based presentations using your favorite templating language.
RubyConf 2014
Registration is open for RailsConf 2014! This November we can all descend upon San Diego to talk about ruby and ruby-related things!
So that's it for this episode of Ruby5. If you haven't already, subscribe to the podcast and keep yourself up to date. Thanks for listening!