Ruby5 Roundup - Episode 434

Fellow Rocketeer Jonathan Jackson and I bring you the latest news in the Ruby and Rails communities this week. Here is a quick roundup of what's in this episode of the Ruby5 podcast.
Gary Bernhardt released a new open source project called Selecta. It provides a command line utility for fuzzy finding the things most important to you. It is really simple to use and written in Ruby! Check out the examples in the README to see how you can integrate it into your workflows.
If you have slow resque workers, Benjamin Manns has your back with Goworker. It is a worker library written in Go that is compatible with your existing resque queues. It may be able to process your background tasks considerably faster than your current Ruby workers.
Been looking for a single clean place to look up all your documentation? Look no further now that DevDocs is released. It gathers together the docs for all your favorite libraries and frameworks allowing you to search them all at once. The interface is really simple and easy to use.
Front-end Job Interview Questions
Need to hire some front-end devs but don't know what questions to ask? A new open source project from Darcy Clarke collects great questions on a number of topics so you can interview those candidates like a pro.
There's a new site written by Rocketeer Jon Allured that lists all the upcoming conferences in the Ruby community. It will keep you up to date on when and where they happen as well as which ones are available for talk submissions and registration. The whole site is open source so you can add new conferences with a pull request.
PhantomJS Update!topic/phantomjs/0GkXtTO6l4Q
Been irritated by all the warnings coming out of PhantomJS since you upgraded to Mavericks? Version 1.9.6 of the library has the fix that will silence it all!
So that's it for this episode of Ruby5. If you haven't already, subscribe to the podcast and keep yourself up to date. Thanks for listening!