Mentoring at Jacksonville Startup Weekend

Paul and I recently had the privilege to mentor at Jacksonville Startup Weekend. Paul gave a preparatory talk to the 150-odd participants about how to deliver a MVP (minimum viable product), and we both provided mentorship to teams throughout the event.
You can read more about the event in the official recap, or if you're a Jacksonville Business Journal subscriber, there's a good writeup here.
We saw a lot of potential in the ideas that were worked on over the weekend, and wish the best to all of the teams involved. Startup Weekend is just another way that we here at Hashrocket are looking to give back to the Jacksonville community, and we're excited for future opportunities to do more!
While we don't have footage from the event, here's the video that Kaz Sheekey put together to give Startup Weekend folks an idea of what Hashrocket is all about. Enjoy!