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Introducing Komments

Profile picture of Pavel Pravosud

I'm excited to introduce Komments, a developer-friendly commenting system.

What is it?

Komments is an embeddable commenting widget that supports markdown, source code highlighting, emojis and mentions. It also provides one-click authentication via social network accounts and clean, unobtrusive UI.

Why use it?

If you're a developer with a blog, chances are you want your readers to be able to post code code snippets in the comments. With Komments it's easier than ever, since it supports code highlighting for almost every language Github knows about. It also uses markdown that even most non-technical people know how to deal with.

How to get it?

In order to put Komments on your blog you need to register as a site-owner on http://komments.net and add a new site. It gives you an HTML code snippet that you insert into your website template. The Komments widget will appear in the place where code was inserted.

Cool stuff

Komments tries to adapt to the color scheme of your site to look natural. You can also customize styles of the widget container to even better match your site.

Here are few examples of Komments in action:

Finally, Komments are enabled for this post, so you can try it out right now!

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