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How Can We Help You?

Profile picture of Chris Cardello

Here at Hashrocket, our designers and developers build kickass software that businesses depend on. But delivering at a high level is the result of more than just having a talented team – that team also must be given direction. We've refined a process over the years which allows us to deliver and ship quality software at a high rate, consistently. We'd like you to leverage that process and our experience to help you deliver at a similar pace.

Process Management

Hashrocket began as a shop that completed projects: a client would arrive with requirements, we'd lead them through storycarding, and we'd deliver design & code. But we quickly realized that there was one final step: to take our process & ethos and help our clients adapt it as their own. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our clients succeed, and we realized that applying the principles we have developed to client teams is another way we can help set them up for success.

I’m pleased to introduce a service we're offering to any software organization at any stage of maturity. Companies attempting to implement a process, identity inefficiencies in their existing process, or make the change to a more agile development approach will get the most benefit out of working with us.

What we'll do is work with you to develop a process that best suits your team. Every team and business has different needs, different strengths and weaknesses, and different goals. We'll tailor a process specifically for your team. So many Agile/Kanban/XP/Scrum workshops try to force you to adopt their methodology via a curriculum designed without you in mind, but we believe in pulling the most relevant aspects of each methodology and applying them to your team. We'll help you create a hybrid process designed specifically for your team – one that fits your needs and can evolve with your business.

Project Kick-Off

Before we begin designing or developing any project we typically engage in an in-depth story carding session with our clients. This allows us to immerse ourselves in the business domain of the application, define the overall interface and functionality, discover edge cases, and walk through user work flows. We think of this as a chance to take a snapshot of what the needs of the application are at that point in time. The artifacts of this exercise are an extensive set of story cards defining the software's functionality, and a robust set of wireframes defining the interface and experience.

We’ve recently had a number of people reach out and ask us if we would offer this exercise as a standalone service offering. Well, as it turns out, we DO! Whether it’s helping with ideation, planning out the next version of your existing application, or bringing your next big idea to fruition, we can help.

We’ll co-locate with you and collaboratively work through the process we’ve refined to capture your initial requirements and design your interface. You can use our experience to help identify areas to reduce scope in your app, solve complex problems with simple interactions, and uncover just how much work will be involved in materializing your ideas.

After that initial session, if desired, we can continue to work with you in whatever capacity you need. If you’d like high fidelity mockups, our design team will work with you to establish a look and feel for your application and design comps based off of your new wireframes. Similarly, if you'd like ongoing project management or development assistance, we can help there as well.

Throughout the 8 years we have been building software, we’ve been presented with almost every kind of challenge and restriction a software organization can endure. Chances are, some of the challenges you're facing are challenges we've seen before, and have experience addressing. So rather than spinning your wheels by going through expensive iterations of trial and error, reach out to us and we’ll be more than happy to develop a plan to set your business up for continued success.

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We're proud to have launched hundreds of products for clients such as LensRentals.com, Engine Yard, Verisign, ParkWhiz, and Regions Bank, to name a few.

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