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Commit Lint for Danger

Profile picture of Jon Allured

I love using Danger to automate routine Pull Request feedback and so I made a plugin that lints commit messages. It was an interesting process and I wanted to share some thoughts about it.

Commit Guidelines

I tend to follow [Tim Pope's ideas][tpope] about commit messages. To boil down a great post into something Danger could automate, I started with these three rules:

  • Message subject should be no longer than 50 characters
  • Message subject should not end in a period
  • Message subject and body should be separated by an empty line

Using the plugin

After having [setup Danger][setup], simply add this line to your Dangerfile:


Additionally, you may want to [configure the plugin][config]. Maybe you'd rather warn instead of fail the PR, you can do that like this:

commit_lint.check warn: :all

Or maybe you don't care about subjects ending in a period, you can disable a particular check like this:

commit_lint.check disable: [:subject_period]

Initial Code

This plugin started life as just a few lines in the [Dangerfile of RubyConferences.org][rc_dangerfile]:

# not included here is the error_messages hash
# but this is the interesting part ;)
for commit in git.commits
  (subject, empty_line, *body) = commit.message.split("\n")
  fail error_messages[6] if subject.length > 50
  fail error_messages[7] if subject.split('').last == '.'
  fail error_messages[8] if empty_line && empty_line.length > 0

It was a great start and actually caught a couple mistakes!

Plugin Extraction

As I worked on extracting the plugin, I realized that there were things I'd want to do, like the configuration I mentioned above. I also was able to get tests around the plugin's behavior, which (surprise!) found bugs and helped improve the code quite a bit.

A Danger plugin is simply a Ruby class that inherits from Danger::Plugin and exposes some public methods. In my case, I wrote a class called Danger::DangerCommitLint and exposed a check method:

module Danger
  class DangerCommitLint < Plugin
    NOOP_MESSAGE = 'All checks were disabled, nothing to do.'.freeze

    def check(config = {})
      @config = config

      if all_checks_disabled?
        warn NOOP_MESSAGE

At a high-level that's about it - we take in some config, ensure there is at least one check to perform and then perform those checks. Pretty small public interface to test, right??

Testing Danger Plugins

The plugin template includes a spec helper that provides you a Dangerfile context and you simply grab a reference to your plugin and then call methods on it:

commit_lint = testing_dangerfile.commit_lint

Probably the easiest way to test your plugins is by asserting about their status_report, a hash of :errors, :warnings, :messages and :markdowns. I wrote a little helper to assert about the counts:

def report_counts(status_report)

I've got a constant with various test messages and then I wrote a bunch of integration-style tests like this:

describe 'check without configuration' do
  context 'with all errors' do
    it 'fails every check' do
      commit_lint = testing_dangerfile.commit_lint
      commit = double(:commit, message: TEST_MESSAGES[:all_errors])
      allow(commit_lint.git).to receive(:commits).and_return([commit])


      status_report = commit_lint.status_report
      expect(report_counts(status_report)).to eq 3
      expect(status_report[:errors]).to eq [

We use the :all_errors test message to create a double and stub out the git commits with it. Then, we run our checks and ensure that both the error count and particular error messages match our expectations. Easy!

Check Classes

I like classes, so it wasn't long before I was extracting those simple lines in the initial implementation into classes that I could use to check the commits. Here's the superclass I came up with and then the checker for subject length:

module Danger
  class DangerCommitLint < Plugin
    class CommitCheck # :nodoc:
      def self.fail?(message)

      def initialize(message); end

      def fail?
        raise 'implement in subclass'

module Danger
  class DangerCommitLint < Plugin
    class SubjectLengthCheck < CommitCheck # :nodoc:
      MESSAGE = 'Please limit commit subject line to 50 characters.'.freeze

      def self.type

      def initialize(message)
        @subject = message[:subject]

      def fail?
        @subject.length > 50

All the superclass really does is provide a class method that instantiates and then calls that fail? method. I really like this pattern and use it all the time on simple classes like this. More on this in a bit.

The main job of the SubjectLengthCheck class is to implement that fail? method and provide both a MESSAGE and type. The former gets sent to the user when this check fails and the latter is used to map the config symbols to checker classes.

The Private Parts

I sorta avoided the details when showing the DangerCommitLint class above, but I wanted to lay some groundwork first. Let's look at the private parts of that file:

module Danger
  class DangerCommitLint < Plugin
    # public stuff ...


    def check_messages
      for message in messages
        for klass in warning_checkers
          messaging.warn klass::MESSAGE if klass.fail? message

        for klass in failing_checkers
          messaging.fail klass::MESSAGE if klass.fail? message

    def checkers
      [SubjectLengthCheck, SubjectPeriodCheck, EmptyLineCheck]

    def checks

    def enabled_checkers
      checkers.reject { |klass| disabled_checks.include? klass.type }

    def warning_checkers
      enabled_checkers.select { |klass| warning_checks.include? klass.type }

    def failing_checkers
      enabled_checkers - warning_checkers

    def all_checks_disabled?
      @config[:disable] == :all || disabled_checks.count == checkers.count

    def disabled_checks
      @config[:disable] || []

    def warning_checks
      return checks if @config[:warn] == :all
      @config[:warn] || []

    def messages
      git.commits.map do |commit|
        (subject, empty_line) = commit.message.split("\n")
        { subject: subject, empty_line: empty_line }

An Array of classes?? Sure, this is Ruby, we can do whatever we want!

Our public interface simply ensures all_checks_disabled? return false and then calls check_messages. That method then iterates over the commits in the PR and runs whatever checks are supposed to be run.

To determine which checks should be run we get to think about classes and their types (symbols). We've abstracted this code to the point where [adding a new check][new_check] is as easy as adding an item to that checkers array - nice!

Remember that superclass and the class-level fail? method? That's what we're using so that we can write this super cute line:

messaging.warn klass::MESSAGE if klass.fail? message


I had never used [Rubocop][rubocop] before, but the plugin template sets it up for you, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I was really enjoying [SwiftLint][swiftlint] in my current work project, so I figured it would be easy to get setup and [configured][rubocop_config] the way [I like things][dont_kid].

Boy was my initial code bad!

I got warnings about things like [cyclomatic complexity][cyclo], [perceived complexity][perceived] and [ABC Metric][abc]. Huh? What am I, a computer scientist??

I had tons of work to do to make Rubocop happy, but it was worth it. I feel like I ended up with a very readable codebase and some of that is because of Rubocop's nudges.

I initially had some pain because the default template uses fail and that was causing a Rubocop warning. Once [I learned][learned] that you can use messaging.fail instead, I was able to [remove the comment][remove_comment] that disabled the warning.


What started as just a few lines of code ended up [cloc][cloc]ing in at around 450 lines, so that's pretty good, right??

But seriously, I have to give a big thanks to [Orta][orta] and [Felix][felix] for creating Danger, I think it's a really great tool and I hope to use it on many future projects! Also: check out this [VISION.md][vision] file - sick, right??

I had a lot of fun extracting this plugin and working on improving the code until not only the tests passed, but the Rubocop and documentation checks also passed. And I even got it on the [official plugin list][list]!!

[tpope]: http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html [setup]: http://danger.systems/guides/getting_started.html [config]: https://github.com/jonallured/danger-commit_lint#configuration [rc_dangerfile]: https://github.com/ruby-conferences/ruby-conferences.github.io/blob/af8bc12b6c4ee027e2006b01e1f76c1d00b6cf9c/Dangerfile#L16 [rubocop_config]: https://github.com/jonallured/danger-commit_lint/blob/master/.rubocop.yml#L4 [dont_kid]: https://twitter.com/jonallured/status/769018523393941504 [cyclo]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity [perceived]: http://mattgemmell.com/perceived-software-complexity/ [abc]: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AbcMetric [new_check]: https://github.com/jonallured/danger-commit_lint/pull/2 [rubocop]: https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop [swiftlint]: https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint [learned]: https://twitter.com/orta/status/769279173214994432 [remove_comment]: https://github.com/jonallured/danger-commit_lint/commit/9ca11d66b5bb53530fc8abe6c1a753711af40a72 [cloc]: https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc/ [orta]: http://orta.io/ [felix]: https://krausefx.com/ [vision]: https://github.com/danger/danger/blob/master/VISION.md [list]: https://github.com/danger/danger.systems/pull/93

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