Book Club with Sandi Metz

May is here and it's time for book club! Read Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby this month with the Rocketeers and submit your questions for a community-driven interview with author and Ruby Hero Sandi Metz! We're very excited to spend the month with Sandi's buzzworthy book and hope you are too.
What's this book all about?
From the POODR website:
Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby is about how to write object-oriented code. It was written by an everyday programmer and it explains object-oriented design (OOD) using realistic Ruby examples.
OOD is not a mysterious black art that’s impossible to understand, it’s just stuff you don’t yet know. POODR is a practical, readable, and understandable introduction to how OOD can lower your costs and improve your applications.
If your code is killing you and the joy is gone, POODR has the cure.
How do I submit my questions for the interview?
Write your questions in a Github gist. Tweet the gist URL to @hashrocket with the hash tag #hrbookclub. We'll publish the interview at the beginning of next month. Submit your questions now through Friday, May 24th 2013 for inclusion in the interview
We look forward to your questions and happy reading!