The GraphQL Way: Rails Edition

Let's create a GraphQL implementation on Ruby on Rails making it easy to maintain and having a great performance overall.
This post is part of a series of [GraphQL] posts, and here are the links for reference:
- [GraphQL Way Post] => Introduction to GraphQL and reasons to use it;
- [GraphQL Limited Post] => Apply filters, sorting and paginating on a GraphQL Rails server with no N+1 queries;
Here's the Ruby and Rails versions I am using in this post:
Package | Version |
ruby | 2.7.0 |
rails | |
I created a [project on Github] in case you want to follow the final implementation of this post.
The following snippet is my initial setup for this project. We'll start by creating a new rails application, then we'll add and configure the GraphQL gems:
rails new graphql_way_rails
cd graphql_way_rails
bundle && rails db:create && rails db:migrate
echo "gem 'graphql'\n" >> Gemfile
rails generate graphql:install
echo "gem 'graphql-batch'\n" >> Gemfile
# add `use GraphQL::Batch` into `app/graphql/graphql_way_rails_schema.rb`
After those steps you'll see a bunch of generated code for you, including a new route to /graphql
, GraphqlController
, GraphqlWayRailsSchema
, Types::QueryType
, Types::MutationType
and so on.
These are great libraries that the community have produced among many others. Please if you need more information about the gems used here go to the following:
- [GraphQL Ruby]
- [GraphQL Batch]
In this post we'll use a regular e-commerce data modeling with categories, products, orders and users. Here's the model generation:
rails generate model category name
rails generate model product category:references name color size price:decimal{10,2}
rails generate model user email
rails generate model order user:references ordered_at:datetime
rails generate model order_item product:references order:references
rails db:migrate
Then I changed some of the generated migrations to add some null: false
on some fields like the name
ones. I also added the missing has_many
relations on the generated models.
Then I created some factories through factory_bot_rails
and faker
just to generate some random data for testing the queries. If you want to take a look into how I am generating my data please check the db/seeds.rb
file on the created project. I ran this locally and here's the total counts:
Table | Count |
categories | 25 |
products | 658 |
users | 500 |
orders | 12_492 |
order_items | 68_094 |
GraphQL Types
I'll use the provided generators to scaffold the GraphQL Types here:
rails generate graphql:object category name:String!
rails generate graphql:object product name:String! color:String size:String price_cents:Int!
rails generate graphql:object user email:String!
rails generate graphql:object foobar ordered_at:GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime!
The last generator did not work very well for me as I had to manually fix the type for ordered_at
to GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime
I decided to implement a custom field to understand how to decorate on GraphQL Types. Here there is:
# app/graphql/types/product_type.rb
class Types::ProductType < Types::BaseObject
field :price_cents, Integer, null: false
def price_cents
(100 * object.price).to_i
As you can see it's pretty straightforward to decorate your models using GraphQL Types.
Note as well that I have not created a type for OrderItem
as this entity does not make sense to be exposed. The same way you may have some bloated model that you may want to split into different GraphQL Types and this is very easy to figure out how to do that.
GraphQL Queries
I'll start by exposing one get all query per GraphQL Type created so far. We're going to change this later, but for now it help us to explore the graph:
# app/graphql/types/query_type.rb
class Types::QueryType < Types::BaseObject
field :categories, [Types::CategoryType], null: false
field :products, [Types::ProductType], null: false
field :users, [Types::UserType], null: false
field :orders, [Types::OrderType], null: false
def categories
def products
def users
def orders
For testing some queries you can run rails server
and open http://localhost:3000/graphiql
. This will open the already configured GraphiQL
visual tool. You can also use some other tool, such as [Altair] chrome plugin. Altair introspects the GraphQL server to get the documentation by using the real url: http://localhost:3000/graphql
. Watch out as the urls are different by just 1 character.
Once you have the tool setup run this AllPossibleDataQuery
query AllPossibleDataQuery {
categories {
products {
users {
orders {
With that you can fetch all Category
, Product
, User
and Order
. So far this is not very useful, but we can see how to access the root GraphQL queries and also we can see that we can call multiple root queries at once. The response will be a JSON with all requested data under a node called data
So far we could produce a simple code end-to-end, from database to GraphQL query. Next let's connect the graph.
Connect the Graph
To connect the graph we can just expose the relations as any other field:
# app/graphql/types/category_type.rb
class Types::CategoryType < Types::BaseObject
field :products, [Types::ProductType], null: false
# app/graphql/types/product_type.rb
class Types::ProductType < Types::BaseObject
field :category, Types::CategoryType, null: false
field :orders, [Types::OrderType], null: false
# app/graphql/types/user_type.rb
class Types::UserType < Types::BaseObject
field :orders, [Types::OrderType], null: false
# app/graphql/types/order_type.rb
class Types::OrderType < Types::BaseObject
field :user, Types::UserType, null: false
field :products, [Types::ProductType], null: false
Then you could execute this query for example:
query AllUsersWithOrdersQuery {
users {
orders {
products {
category {
There're no arguments yet to this query, so this is still not useful for production mode, but this query exercises all types of relations in this data model: belongs_to
, has_many
and has_many, through: mid_table
The problem is that the performance of this query is already very horrible. I checked the logs and for a single GraphQL AllUsersWithOrdersQuery
call I counted 18400 SQL queries. And my local database is small still. There are 12_492 orders
with an average of 5.45 products per order. The response time is on average 40149ms. There will be a section on the bottom of this post with a performance comparison as we are evolving our model relations fetching.
N+1 Query Issue
What are we missing? Well, we need to understand and implement data loaders to lazily load all data that comes from ActiveRecord relations.
Data Loaders are also helpful to batch the calculation of expensive fields, but I'll leave this out of this post as you may get the picture after these examples.
Batching with Data Loaders
Let's use Data Loaders for the rescue here. The gem graphql-batch
uses ruby promises to lazy load the records, similarly to javascript promises. If you are not familiar to this concept please take a look [GraphQL Batch] documentation.
I'll use another rails generator here:
rails generate graphql:loader belongs_to_loader
And I'll change it to:
# app/graphql/loaders/belongs_to_loader.rb
class Loaders::BelongsToLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
def initialize(model)
@model = model
def perform(ids)
@model.where(id: ids.uniq).each do |record|
fulfill(, record)
ids.each do |id|
fulfill(id, nil) unless fulfilled?(id)
I got inspired by this great [Data Loaders examples]. I copied the record_loader.rb
over renamed and simplified to use in this post. And here's how to use it:
# app/graphql/types/product_type.rb
class Types::ProductType < Types::BaseObject
field :category, Types::CategoryType, null: false
def category
# app/graphql/types/order_type.rb
class Types::OrderType < Types::BaseObject
field :user, Types::UserType, null: false
def user
Now, if you execute again the same AllUsersWithOrdersQuery
, you'll notice a decent performance improvement already.
There's another rails generator call:
rails generate graphql:loader has_many_loader
And I'll change it to:
# app/graphql/loaders/has_many_loader.rb
class Loaders::HasManyLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
def initialize(model, column)
@model = model
@column = column
def perform(relation_ids)
records_by_relation_id = @model.where({ @column => relation_ids.uniq }).group_by do |result|
relation_ids.each do |id|
fulfill(id, records_by_relation_id[id] || [])
This code was inspired by another [Data Loaders examples], this in particular is the association_loader.rb
And now my types using the HasManyLoader
# app/graphql/types/category_type.rb
class Types::CategoryType < Types::BaseObject
field :products, [Types::ProductType], null: false
def products
Loaders::HasManyLoader.for(Product, :category_id).load(
# app/graphql/types/user_type.rb
class Types::UserType < Types::BaseObject
field :orders, [Types::OrderType], null: false
def orders
Loaders::HasManyLoader.for(Order, :user_id).load(
So far this works just fine for regular has_many
relation. But this won't work for has_many
relations that uses an intermediate N-to-N table such as order_items
Combination of BelongsToLoader and HasManyLoader
At this point we could create another custom Data Loader that could deal with the middle table in a N-to-N relation, but this would be boring and there might be a way to reuse what we already have somehow.
The solution is very simple and we'll have to use the ruby promises I've already mentioned. These are the changes I had to made on the types:
# app/graphql/types/order_type.rb
class Types::OrderType < Types::BaseObject
field :products, [Types::ProductType], null: false
def products
order_items.then do |order_item_list|
product_ids =
def order_items
Loaders::HasManyLoader.for(OrderItem, :order_id).load(
# app/graphql/types/product_type.rb
class Types::ProductType < Types::BaseObject
field :orders, [Types::OrderType], null: false
def orders
order_items.then do |order_item_list|
order_ids =
def order_items
Loaders::HasManyLoader.for(OrderItem, :product_id).load(
You've noticed that I had to call then
on the first HasManyLoader
usage, and this method yields all returned mid-table model instance, on this case OrderItem
instances. With that we can get the other relation ids to be passed down on a BelongsToLoader
, this time using the method load_many
As you can see the usage of promises by Data Loaders make them very easily reusable. With all that in mind how would you return a list of colors of Product from an Order, let's say product_colors
inside OrderType
? Or even some aggregation like products_count
in CategoryType
? Data Loaders definately opens a very broad way to expose your data without any performance complications.
Performance Notes
In this post I used the AllUsersWithOrdersQuery
to compare the performance before and after the data loaders. These are the results I got using the data I created using my db/seeds.rb
Metrics | No Data Loaders | Using Data Loaders |
SQL queries | 18_400 | 6 |
Allocations | 30_618_967 | 2_011_010 |
Active Record | 1_625.26ms | 78.6ms |
Views | 592.26ms | 586.12ms |
Response Time | 35_841ms | 3_750ms |
As you can see the N+1 queries are gone. There's a great performance improvement overall, so I could reduce the GraphQL query under test from 35.8 seconds to 3.8 seconds, this means a reduce of about 90% of response time. Another point to observe is that Rails allocates a lot of objects for us under the hood, so as we are now running way less queries, we are also saving a lot of memory allocation, around 93%.
Although this is not a big data set the GraphQL query performed on this post brings basically all the data as I am not applying any filter. There are 4 levels of GraphQL Types being returned and this involves 5 different database tables. Even if you won't have this type of query on your solution it's easy to understand the importance of keeping a good performance solution helps you to maintain the same in the medium and long run.
In this post we've seen how easy is to setup GraphQL for a Rails application. We connected the graph and got so many N+1 issues, hence we used DataLoaders to fetch relational data in batches and then avoid the N+1 problems.
Performance is a big deal in every application so watch out issues that could come with your GraphQL solutions and consider to write your own DataLoaders to solve them.
I pushed the code produced for this blog post as a [project on Github], so take a look into this repo for reference.
Finally writing an API solution that is that flexible in a very short period of time is impressive. So make it right and enjoy it.
I hope you have enjoyed and thanks for reading!
[GraphQL]: [GraphQL Way Post]: [GraphQL Limited Post]: [project on Github]: [GraphQL Ruby]: [GraphQL Batch]: [Altair]: [Data Loaders examples]: