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Ember Weekend Recap: Episode 3 & 4

Profile picture of Thais Camilo

We are back with a new Ember Weekend Recap. This week we cover episodes 3 & 4. I hope you enjoy it.

Episode 3 - Broccoli, but not the vegetable


Ember Turbolinks by Erik Bryn helps you to migrate a server-side app to Ember.js.



Broccoli is a backend agnostic asset pipeline. A great place to learn more about the architecture and background is at the blog post - Broccoli: First Beta Release by Jo Liss.

Ember Watson


Ember Watson is a library by Adolfo Builes that was originally created to help the transition to QUnit 2.0 syntax. Recently, Adolfo published a blog post - Removing Prototype Extensions With Ember-watson showing how to use an easier to understand syntax for declaring observers and computed properties.

Adolfo is also the author of ember-cli 101. This book is always up-to-date. Make sure you check it out.

Ember Land


It is an Ember.js podcast by Dan McClain and Robert Jackson, another great source of news.

Episode 4 - IE: Seeya L8er

Broccoli: The Build Tool, Not the Vegetable

If you want to learn more about Broccoli you should check out this blog post by Chase McCarthy - Broccoli: The Build Tool, Not the Vegetable.

Solicit feedback about IE8 and IE9 support in Ember

There was an open PR on the Ember.js project about a RFC (request for comments) to drop IE 8 support in Ember. Looks like the decision has been made and Ember 2.0 will support IE9+. To understand how the decision came to be, check the pull request.

Ember at Netflix

Ben Lesh talked at Silicon Valley Ember.js about how Netflix is using Ember internally. Watch the video on Youtube.

How To Add Polymer To Your Ember Project

Blog post by Erik Hanchett on how to add polymer to your Ember.js project.

Proof of Concept polymer addon


Jon and Chase wrote a proof of concept for an ember-cli addon to include polymer.

Erik Bryn: Ember 2.0 Training

Interested in Ember 2.0 training? Check the list of dates and places already scheduled here.

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